Paul Martyn, writing for Forbes, has made 5 predictions for 2017: The supply chain will go bimodal Socially-inspired product development will rise Excellence will be measured by adaptability High performing organizations will recognize supply chain and procurement operations as critical differentiators A redefinition of supply chain risk The supply chain will go bimodal How do […]
Category: supply chain management

The trump effect
In a recent post in Supply Management blog, editor Paul Simpson argues, for good reasons, that US president’s economic plans could signal a disruptive time for procurement. Donald Trump’s determination to make it an “expensive mistake” for US companies to move manufacturing overseas is the biggest uncertainty facing the global economy in 2017. On Twitter, the […]
Purchasing, Logistics and SCM
i-Procure is the premier on-line resource for purchasing, logistics and Supply Chain Management proffesionals. Jorgen Hornsten-Gran is managing the i-Procure activities in Europe.
Digital supply networks and increasing sustainability
Digital supply networks and increasing sustainability Recently the managing Director at Accenture Strategy, mr Rob Woodstock, wrote an interesting article on the subject. Suppliers in certain markets have advanced further than others when it comes to creating and maintaining sustainable supply chains. For example suppliers in France, the UK, Spain and Germany – in that order […]
Sustainable Supply Chain Summit 2014 (Europe)
Sustainable Supply Chain Summit 2014 (Europe) On November 19-20 we will be attending the Sustainable Supply Chain Summit in London,UK together with our colleagues from The key themes being addressed include: Embed Sustainability: Fuse CSR and sustainability into procurement and supply chain to future-proof your viability as a business Minimise Environmental Footprint: Measure the […]
Don’t focus on 80% of spend and leave 20% on the cutting-room floor
Don’t focus on 80% of spend and leave 20% on the cutting-room floor The biggest impression left by Walter Charles III’s keynote presentation at the Procurement Leaders Americas Congress in Miami, Florida, was one of the necessary boldness and pace of change. When looking at change management, sometimes the temptation is to apply familiar templates […]
Stockholm SCP&O Executive Summit 2014
Stockholm SCP&O Executive Summit 2014 In a couple of weeks we will be attending the Stockholm SCP&O Executive Summit together with the team. The summit is a part of Quintiq World Tour: “Streamlined operations. Maximized resource utilization. Optimal performance. The lowest costs for the highest profit margins. In a word: Efficiency. It’s the key […]